Welcome to the
Lodge of Honour 526

Join us in our journey of Integrity, Friendship, and Respect

Why choose Freemasonry?

With a supportive community, opportunities for personal growth, charitable contributions, and access to a global network of like-minded individuals, Freemasonry could be your next enriching experience.

Global Network

Access to a community across the world, providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and cultural exchange.

Rich Tradition & Heritage

Offers the chance to connect with ancient Masonic rituals, symbols, and teachings, providing a sense of historical continuity.

Personal Development

Enhances personal development and growth as individuals through rituals, discussions, and charitable activities.

Inclusive Membership

Membership is open to men over 18 from all backgrounds, fostering diversity and inclusion within the fraternity.

Freemasonry is one of the oldest secular social and charitable organisations in the world.

Modern Freemasonry’s roots lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built our castles and cathedrals.

For Freemasons, there are important values that help define their path through life: Integrity, Friendship and Respect. Members join for many reasons but these guiding principles hold true for us all. The extent of involvement is similar to any social organisation and members get out of it what they put in and it’s mainly about building character, supporting members as individuals, helping them make a positive contribution to society and having enjoying a varied social life.

Building a Better
World Together.

Charity forms a big part of Freemasonry with each Lodge active in supporting many causes across the world.

Charity forms a big part of Freemasonry with each Lodge active in supporting many causes across the world. from donations to small local playgrounds, offering to help work on projects for those in need to larger national donations to international disaster relief funds. But there is no obligation to give to charity but collectively we are one of the largest charitable givers in the country, contributing £51.1m to deserving causes in 2020.

Embrace Brotherhood
and Personal Growth.

Freemasonry provides a structure for members to come together under common goals.

Freemasonry enables people to make new friendships, develop themselves and make valuable contributions to charitable causes,

Membership is open to men over 18 from all backgrounds with one caveat – you must believe in a Supreme Being (anyone will do) as part of our ceremonies involve prayer and a commitment sworn of the text of your chosen faith.

Our hard work in numbers

At Lodge of Honour 526, our commitment to making a difference is reflected in our impressive contributions. Our brothers volunteer countless hours to support local projects and continuously strive to make a positive impact.

Lodge 526 Brothers


Charitable Donations


Lodge 526 Formed


Lodges Worldwide